
Court Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Federal Marijuana Laws

The companies plan to appeal the ruling

The U.S. District Court of Massachusetts dismissed a case challenging marijuana’s federal illegality on Monday, rejecting arguments made by cannabis companies against prohibition.

U.S. District Judge Mark Mastroianni, an Obama appointee, ruled that the plaintiffs have standing to sue, but in dismissing the lawsuit his order applied the same analysis that the Supreme Court did when it last addressed the issue in 2005 in Gonzales v. Raich.

“Only the Supreme Court can overrule its own decisions and lower courts must apply a precedent with direct application, even if there is a basis for believing the precedent has been undermined by later developments,” the order read.

The Massachusetts marijuana companies — represented by the powerhouse law firm of David Boies — had argued that the facts around marijuana have changed since the Supreme Court ruled on the issue.

The companies plan to appeal the ruling.

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