
Ohio Marijuana Retailers Bring In More Than $11.5 Million During First Four Days Of Legal Recreational Sales

Ohio currently has 120 dual-use dispensaries as of last Wednesday

Ohio legal weed sales topped $11.5 million in less than a week.

The state’s total recreational marijuana sales was $11,530,708 as of August 10, according to the Ohio Department of Commerce Division of Cannabis Control. Recreational sales started August 6—eight months after 57 percent of Ohioans voted to legalize recreational marijuana. The average of price of an ounce of flower was $266 last week, according to the division.

There were 173,043 units of manufacturer product sold and 1,285 pounds of plant material, according to the division.

Ohio currently has 120 dual-use dispensaries as of Wednesday, meaning they can sell both medical and non-medical marijuana, according to the division. Ohio had 98 dual-use dispensaries when recreational sales started.

More than 70 Ohio cities have local moratoriums prohibiting adult-use cannabis business, according to Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law.

Under Ohio’s ballot measure to legalize marijuana, there is a 10 percent tax at the point of sales for each non-medical marijuana transaction.

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