
What’s Your New York State Cannabis license Really Worth?

A Guest Column from Colin Decker, the founder of 7 SEAZ

This guest column is from Colin Decker, owner and founder of 7 SEAZ, New York’s first legacy-to-legal adult-use cannabis brand, and owner of Hudson Valley-based Sensei Growth Consulting. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author.

In the past week, an influx of dispensary license holders and people representing their clients’ interests have reached out to me about the price tag that my clients are looking to pay in cash to procure an additional retail cannabis dispensary license here in New York State.

My clients are a skilled team of operators who have proven without a doubt that they can run a cannabis retail store, provide consistent high-quality customer service to a consumer base and build and maintain an attractive assortment of products on their menu while keeping with the newest and best offerings available.

However, this is not all that is needed to run a successful dispensary in New York. Other qualities include paying vendors on time; building a strong, efficient staff that is loyal; generating consistent income on a daily basis to run a business at a profitable level; and really knowing the market you serve.

To Read The Rest Of This Article On NY Cannabis Insider, Click Here

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