
A New Maine Bill Would Ban Advertisements For Cannabis

Lawmakers are proposing this bill for both medical and recreational cannabis use

Marijuana in Maine may be legal, but a new bill up for debate at the State House wants to ensure advertising for it is not.

Shops throughout Maine have been selling recreational marijuana for more than four years, but the rules around advertising the product still remain up in the air.

“I feel like these ads are OK as long as they do not go towards minors,” Adrian Alie, who opposes a cannabis advertising ban, said.

Senator Scott Cyrway is sponsoring legislation that looks to regulate cannabis advertising.

Marijuana in Maine may be legal, but a new bill up for debate at the State House wants to ensure advertising for it is not.

Shops throughout Maine have been selling recreational marijuana for more than four years, but the rules around advertising the product still remain up in the air.

“I feel like these ads are OK as long as they do not go towards minors,” Adrian Alie, who opposes a cannabis advertising ban, said.

Senator Scott Cyrway is sponsoring legislation that looks to regulate cannabis advertising.

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