A Guide To The Oklahoma Legislature’s Newest Round Of Cannabis Bills

Oklahoma lawmakers are whittling down the list
Oklahoma lawmakers are whittling down the list of medical marijuana bills that will ultimately get passed during this session. The focus of the remaining bills ranges from increased regulations on cannabis businesses, altering the licensure process, bolstering the OMMA and changing the structure of where cannabis revenue dollars go.
But first, where do the bills go from here?
Last Thursday was the deadline for bills to get passed in the committee of the opposite chamber of the bill’s origin. While many made it through, most will need to go back to their chamber of origin for amendments to be approved.
Several bills also had their titles or enacting clauses stricken and will go to conference committees. If those bills are agreed upon by conference committees, committee reports for the bills are sent to the originating chamber and then the opposite chamber for approval or rejection. Upon approval, the bill is read on the floor. Upon rejection, the bill can go back to the conference committee.
Here are some of the bills that advanced from the opposite chamber’s committee:
* denotes amended
† denotes title or enacting clause stricken
Marijuana business requirements:
HB2025*– Would require all marijuana businesses and facilities to display their OMMA-issued license in a conspicuous place. It must be viewable from the street nearest to the entrance of the site of the grow facility.
HB3827*†– Would require all medical marijuana commercial grower licensees with an outdoor production facility to register with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry as an environmentally sensitive crop owner. Registration would provide notice to nearby pesticide applicators, with the goal of minimizing pesticide drift.
HB4056*†- Would require a private laboratory under contract with OMMA to provide a list of recommendations for marijuana testing equipment, as well as testing standards and operating procedures. Beginning in June 2024, laboratories renewing their licenses and new laboratories looking to obtain a license will have to be in compliance with the determined standards.
HB3752– Would make it illegal for a grow property owner to abandon the property without first restoring the land to its original condition.
SB1697*- Would require marijuana growers to acquire a bond before receiving their license or license renewal for the purpose of land reclamation. Every applicant would have to file a bond of at least $25,000 with the OMMA. The OMMA may request a higher amount if reclaiming the land after the grow facility vacates is expected to be more difficult.
SB1693*- Would require commercial grower and processor applicants and licensees to obtain a water use permit from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board if they use water from groundwater or an Oklahoma stream, as well as obtaining and registering an official statement of permission from the political subdivision that provides the water if using rural or municipal water.
HB3929*†- Would require the OMMA to develop standards for process validation. Process validation would be voluntary and would require licensees to use the seed-to-sale system, meet testing requirements and pay an annual fee of $2,500.
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