
Arkansas Group Submits Over 100,000 Signatures To Expand Medical Marijuana Amendment

Arkansans for Patient Access made the announcement on Friday

Expanding medical marijuana access in Arkansas is one step closer to being on the November ballot after signatures were submitted on Friday, July 5.

The deadline to submit a ballot initiative is July 5, and the group Arkansans for Patient Access (APA) campaign announced the submission of over 111,000 petition signatures, spanning 62 counties in the state.

APA said in a statement on Friday that the signatures surpassed the required amount.

If Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin certifies the signatures and approves the initative to be on the November ballot, voters will decide on expanding access to medical marijuana.

The amendment, if passed, would allow more healthcare professionals to prescribe marijuana to patients.

Those healthcare professionals include medical and osteopathic doctors, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants, and pharmacists.

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