
AYR Cannabis Opens First Connecticut Location

The grand opening will feature Faddy’s Donuts and a 20% discount on products

 AYR Wellness has entered the Connecticut cannabis market with an opening in Manchester.

AYR Manchester opened Friday at a former Starbucks at 185 Spencer St. and a grand opening is slated for Friday from noon to 5 p.m.

The location features in-store and an “innovative drive-through service” that allows customers to “explore and purchase premium cannabis products from the comfort of their cars.”

The grand opening will feature Faddy’s Donuts and a 20 percent discount on products over the entire store, officials said.

AYR Cannabis Manchester has entered the Connecticut market as a franchise and via Connecticut Cultivation Solutions, an entity co-owned by Tiana Hercules, a Hartford-based lawyer and former City Council member.

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