
‘Best Buds’ To Take Over Troubled Morrisville Vermont Dispensary

The partnership has applied for a retail license and hopes to open within a few months

After a Morrisville cannabis shop owner had his license indefinitely suspended, a partnership group headed up by two Stowe-based cannabis entrepreneurs is planning to open its own shop in the same location under the name Best Buds Dispensary.

Renovations of the Stafford Street property have been ongoing as Christopher Moroch and Hannah Stearns, whose Cannabis Collective was one of the earliest licensed marijuana producers in Vermont following legalization, make structural changes to the building ahead of a planned opening of their new dispensary.

The partnership group has applied for a retail license and hopes to open within the next few months. The dispensary’s name is similar to Moroch’s Stowe-based Best Bud Farms, which has sold cannabidiol, or CBD, products since 2019.

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