
Bills To Legalize, Decriminalize Cannabis In Indiana Fail To Move Forward

It could have brought Indiana up to $200 million of new revenue in 2026

Despite a record amount of marijuana bills filed by both Indiana Republicans and Democrats this legislative session, all efforts to legalize and decriminalize weed failed.

”This is really just not a priority for people; it’s also not a priority for the leaders of Indiana,” said Jaime Zerbe with Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM). SAM has pushed for marijuana decriminalization efforts but strictly opposes legalization efforts.

Weeks after the Republican-led coalition Safe and Regulated Indiana pushed for meaningful marijuana reform, the main bill they pushed for diedAccording to an LSA fiscal analysis, that bill could have brought up to $200 million in new revenue to Indiana in 2026.

To Read The Rest Of This Article On Fox 59, Click Here

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