California Based 7 Stars Offering Products For A Penny To Vaccinated Customers

The dispensary is helping with the community effort against COVID-19
Joining the joint effort to decrease Covid-19 infection rates in our region, 7 Stars Holistic Healing Center is offering select cannabis products for a penny to everyone with a valid Covid-19 vaccine card. Vaccinated people can buy one cannabis product from our vendor sponsors for one cent at 3219 Pierce Street in Richmond, while supplies last.
While Contra Costa County is above the national average for vaccination rates, we know that equitable vaccination is a priority for local public health officials so 7 Stars is rolling up its sleeves to help. In addition, 7 Stars has applied to be a mobile vaccination site through the California Department of Public Health and will continue to do everything in our power to help with the effort to get our community fully vaccinated. Our application is pending and we look forward to doing more to help our community get to full vaccination.
“7 Stars is a natural community meeting place. We wanted to offer our platform to help the state achieve their goal of immunity against Covid-19,” says Zee Handoush, Executive Director. “We saw other local businesses offering vaccine incentives and we wanted to add cannabis to that growing list. We hope other members of the cannabis community will do the same.”
Visit to find the vaccination location closest to you. To learn more about the cannabis community’s Joint Effort to encourage Covid-19 vaccination, see #JointEffort on Instagram. In store only, see official rules for details.
Vendor Sponsors:
- Bloom Farms
- Revive Pure Life
- Papa and Barkley
7 Stars Holistic Healing center’s mission is to provide patients and the general public cannabis products that holistically address their symptoms and to give back to our community. Keep Hope Alive! For more information, please visit