
California Marijuana Official Fired After Blowing Whistle On Lab Fraud, Lawsuit Says

“DCC’s inaction is an (endorsement)”

A former top California marijuana official is claiming in a lawsuit filed this week that she was fired after superiors brushed off concerns about widespread problems, including fraud, at state-licensed cannabis testing labs.

Tanisha Bogans, the former deputy director of laboratory services at the California Department of Cannabis Control, alleges she was fired after sharing reports of rampant THC potency inflation and labs’ deliberate failures to detect pesticides and mold, according to a lawsuit filed Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court.

Bloomberg Law first reported Bogans’ lawsuit, which claims unlawful retaliation and violations of whistleblower protections as well as unpaid business expenses.

The suit claims that regulators’ “resistance” to address lab fraud has damaged the marijuana industry.

“DCC’s inaction is an (endorsement) for unethical and illegal business practices within the industry at large,” Bogans’ suit says.

A spokesperson for the DCC told MJBizDaily that the agency does not comment on litigation or “personnel matters.”

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