‘Caravan Of Armed Robbers’ Target Oakland CA Cannabis Businesses On Election Night

The violence unfolded over a chaotic span of more than four hours
In what appears to be a crime spree timed to coincide with the election, a group police described as a “caravan of armed robbers” roved around East Oakland on Tuesday evening, targeting cannabis businesses in a series of attacks that put several people in the hospital.
One person tied to the group was fatally shot by police near 92nd Avenue and Holly Street, after fleeing motorists injured four officers. About an hour later, three gunmen shot two security guards while trying to rob a marijuana business near 85th Avenue.
At yet another East Oakland cannabis location, a jeep driver rammed the storefront’s gate, and the place was looted.
The violence unfolded over a chaotic span of more than four hours, as Oakland police were monitoring expected election-night protests downtown. With no clear presidential winner on Tuesday evening, downtown was relatively quiet.
Then reports of robberies began pouring in.
Throughout the evening and early morning, police chased one report after another, mostly in East Oakland. At one point, the caravan was estimated at as many as 50 people attempting to burglarize a West Oakland building.
Authorities said several weapons — some dumped on sidewalks or left in abandoned cars — were recovered.
“I just think it’s crazy. People will sit and they’ll make all different kinds of excuses for the behavior of young men and women. I am not going to make any excuses for their behavior because I don’t understand it,” East Oakland Councilman Larry Reid said Wednesday.
Reid was at an election event at Durant Square in East Oakland when the caravan stopped at the shopping center and people broke into and looted a locally-owned hair and wig shop. The councilman called a police commander, who dispatched units monitoring a small gathering of protesters at 14th and Broadway and from other parts of town.
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