Conversations In Cannabis: Adrian Sedlin – CEO Of Canndescent

We sat down with Canndescent’s Adrian Sedlin to talk all things cannabis
Founded in 2015, Canndescent is California’s leading cannabis brand house and the #1 supplier of flower pre-rolls. The company has spearheaded multiple industry firsts, including replacing traditional strain names with effects to simplify the consumer experience and implementing the first commercial-scale solar powered cultivation.
We sat down with Adrian Sedlin, CEO of Canndescent, to discuss everything from how the Californian cannabis industry has changed over time to why his passions drove him to launch Canndescent. All this and more in this week’s Conversations in Cannabis.
00:20 – What was the moment in your life when you decided to make cannabis your career?
05:07 – Did the speed of general consumer intelligence in the product surprise you?
10:00 – Reminiscing over the medical-only era days in California
11:40 – What was the drive to move away from the traditional naming system for strains?
16:20 – As an operator was the biggest hurdle to get over when launching in California?
21:00 – What is your hope as an operator for federal banking reform?
24:10 – Are there any markets right now that you would like to move into?
Thanks again to Adrian for his time in being on today’s episode. You can find out more about Canndescent by visiting them online at
As always a special thanks also goes out to JP Bianchini for the licensed use of his track for our theme song. You can find out more about JP Bianchini by visiting his website at
Stay tuned to the next episode on Conversations in Cannabis!