Conversations In Cannabis: Xzibit – Founder Of Napalm Cannabis Co.

We sat down with Xzibit to talk about all things cannabis
Founded in March of 2020, Napalm Cannabis Co. has expanded rapidly under the direction of it’s founder, recording artist, actor, and cannabis entrepreneur, Xzibit. Having founded Brass Knuckles back in the early days of California’s 215 era, he knows what it takes to scale a cannabis enterprise and has replicated that original success with his newest venture.
We sat down with Xzibit to talk about everything from the early days of his career in entertainment, to what drew him into the medical cannabis markets in California, to Napalm’s growth and expansion into the ancillary industry.
All this and more in this week’s Conversations in Cannabis!
00:27 – Where did you get the name Xzibit?
01:33 – How did you eventually get introduced to Dr. Dre?
02:40 – What was the point in your career where you felt like you finally made it?
04:00 – What made you want to jump from being an entertainer to being a cannabis entrepreneur?
05:20 – Was there a point during the 215 era that you felt like you needed to be in the industry?
07:35 – Can you walk us through the process of how you created Napalm?
10:56 – Did the scope and scale of the ancillary market surprise you?
12:16 – How do you go about designing products with your team?
13:56 – Are you planning on expanding Napalm in the ancillary market?
14:40 – How do you settle on which products to release to the market?
17:27 – Are you surprised at the speed that the concentrate market has matured?
19:30 – Other than yourself, who do you think is doing it right in California?
21:21 – Who isn’t in the cannabis industry right now that you feel should be?
25:40 – Did you ever find the people responsible for robbing your warehouse?
26:24 – Do you feel the DCC is doing all they can for operators regarding break-ins and robberies?
28:32 – What would you like to see the state of California do to stop counterfeit brands?
31:56 – Do you think that the illegal market will finally get pulled in to the licensed market in California?
34:45 – What about your new states enticed you and are there any other markets that are catching your eye?
36:52 – What’s your timeline look like for rolling out into the new markets?
37:34 – What’s next for you?
We would like to thank Xzibit for being on the episode today. You can find out more about Xzibit by visiting him online at or Napalm by visiting https://Napalm.Shop. To check out Napalm’s collaboration with XVape and Bear Rootz, you can check them out at and respectively.
As always, a special thanks also goes out to JP Bianchini for the licensed use of his track for our theme song. You can find out more about JP Bianchini by visiting his website at
Stay tuned to the next episode on Conversations in Cannabis!