Delaware Moves A Step Closer To Recreational Marijuana Sales

Delaware Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday approved House Bill 408
Delaware lawmakers moved the state a step closer to recreational marijuana sales this week, when a state Senate committee gave the thumbs up to a bill from the state House that would allow the existing six medical marijuana companies to launch adult-use sales.
The bill is aimed at getting the market underway months earlier than the 2025 launch that was originally envisioned.
The Delaware Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday approved House Bill 408, which would let the six medical cannabis companies “convert to dual-use licensees that could serve both registered patients and adults over 21,” Marijuana Moment reported.
The move is the latest by policymakers to relax cannabis-related rules and ease consumer access, following the success of an earlier bill that did away with all “qualifying conditions” for medical patients, meaning anyone with any ailment can now become a registered medical cannabis patient and make purchases at dispensaries.
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