
Delta Extraction Loses Appeal Of Its Revoked License Following Missouri Cannabis Recall

Chuck Hatfield, an attorney for Delta Extraction, said the company has no comment

An administrative hearing commission ruling concluded the company violated state law by importing hemp-derived THC concentrate from other states and adding it to Missouri-grown marijuana products.

The company at the center of a massive cannabis product recall in 2023 lost its appeal to get its license back on Tuesday, with Missouri’s administrative hearing commission concluding it had a “corporate culture of lax compliance with regulatory requirements.”

The scathing 137-page ruling, issued by Commissioner Carole Iles, comes almost a year after a three-day hearing on the appeal filed by Robertsville-based Delta Extraction. 

Iles agreed with the Missouri Division of Cannabis Regulation that the company’s practice of bringing in hemp-derived THC concentrate from other states and adding it to Missouri-grown marijuana products was a violation of state law. 

Almost all of the reasons cited for revoking Delta’s license and pulling 60,000 marijuana products off the shelves were upheld. That list included failing to notify law enforcement immediately after someone broke into Delta’s Robertsville facility and stole the company’s server, just days after the state shut down its operation. The server included the only copy of Delta’s video surveillance files.

To Read The Rest Of This Article On Missouri Independent, Click Here

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