
‘F—CK ‘EM’: Meet The Angriest Weed CEO In California

“Maybe I shouldn’t just say some sh—t, high as f—ck”

Elliot Lewis spent the evening hours of Nov. 2 doing what he does best: posting a tightly cropped video of his face to Instagram while haranguing his latest enemy. 

This time, his foe was the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, which represents more cannabis workers than any other union in either California or the entire country.

“Maybe I shouldn’t just say some sh—t, high as f—ck,” Lewis warned his viewers, posting under the handle @catalyst_ceo. Then he continued on: “ … What’s happening to the cannabis workers that are under the UFCW f—cking control, and their little f—cking fairy dust, you’re getting played,” Lewis said.

To Read The Rest Of This Article On SF Gate, Click Here

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