Illinois To Hold An Extra License Lottery For Applicants Unfairly Kept Out Of Chances For Marijuana Retail Shops

A “clerical oversight in terms of data entry” led to the original mistakes
To address more errors in the process of awarding cannabis licenses, Illinois will hold an extra lottery to give six applicants another shot at winning a license to operate recreational marijuana retail stores, officials announced Friday.
The applicants were wrongly denied chances in the first of three lotteries held this summer to award 185 new licenses, officials said. The additional licenses are to be authorized by state law that allows up to 500 new licenses in all. The applicants aren’t guaranteed licenses, but the digital lottery is supposed to re-create what their odds of winning should have been originally.
A “clerical oversight in terms of data entry” led to the mistakes, said Toi Hutchinson, senior adviser on cannabis to Gov. J.B. Pritzker. It’s the latest in a series of errors that have delayed the awarding of licenses by more than a year.
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