
Mass. Cannabis Industry Has Generated More Than $8 Billion In Sales

The report was due in 2023, the CCC didn’t see it until last week

More than six years in, the legal cannabis industry landscape in Massachusetts has had a chance to evolve, and a new industry report examines some of the trendlines.

Published by the Cannabis Control Commission last week, the report shows an evolution that has been marked by plummeting prices and rising product potency, a network of retail stores that more densely dot the map in some part of the state than others, incomplete efforts around ensuring the legal cannabis world is a diverse one, and a sales volume that is slowing way down as other states legalize and the novelty wears off.

The report, which was due to be filed in 2023 but was only presented to CCC members last week, is intended to let lawmakers “see and understand what’s happening throughout the industry,” Commissioner Nurys Camargo said. Last fall, the Legislature’s Cannabis Policy Committee held hearings to consider legislative action in response to a litany of complaints and headline-grabbing internal conflicts at the CCC. House chair Rep. Daniel Donahue has said he “foresees a legislative path forward.”

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