New Leafly ‘Cannabis Harvest Report’ Values Crop 5th In The Nation

Colorado’s seven-year-old legal cannabis farming industry outproduced California
America has begun winding down its disastrous, century-long war on marijuana. We’re beating swords into plowshares. So what’s coming in from the fields? The answer: America’s 5th most valuable crop.
The first-ever Leafly Cannabis Harvest Report, released today, counted 13,042 cannabis farm licenses in the 11 legal states where retail stores are open. This unprecedented peek into US pot production found farmers growing 2,278 metric tons per year. It’s a mind-boggling number—enough to fill 57 Olympic-size swimming pools, or more than 11,000 dump trucks stretching more than 36 miles.
With US state cannabis prices ranging from about $500 to $3,000 per wholesale pound, you’re looking at a crop worth $6.175 billion per year. As measured against US Department of Agriculture (USDA) data, the value of America’s legal cannabis crop ranks fifth nationwide, ahead of cotton. And yet state and federal officials generally do not track it or acknowledge it.
Click here to download the ‘Leafly Cannabis Harvest Report 2021’ as a PDF
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