
NY Cannabis Enforcement Task Force Closes Over 100 Unlicensed Shops

Licensed retailers reported a 27% increase month-over-month from May to June

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced that her administration has shut down hundreds of unlicensed, illegal cannabis stores. This after her May overhaul at the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM), which included the launch of the Cannabis Enforcement Task Force.

“How do the legal businesses thrive if the illegal ones are locked out of the market?” Hochul asked the crowd at a press conference Tuesday morning. To that end, she said that the task force has already closed 114 stores. A spokesperson from Hochul’s office confirmed that not all were in New York City.

Without these black market outfits, Hochul highlighted an apparent surge in sales for legal shops. She explained that licensed retailers reported a 27% increase month-over-month from May to June—nearly seven times the previous rate. She also said that the 114 tally stacks with almost 400 other closed, unlicensed retailers.

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