
Ohio Regulators: Marijuana Retailers Can’t Give Out Food From Ice Cream Truck

The 5 dispensaries face a possible $212,500 in total fines

State regulators have fined several Ohio marijuana businesses for advertising violations, including allegations one dispensary offered free treats from an ice cream truck and used online promotions proclaiming, “Can you take me higher?”

Collectively facing $212,500 in possible penalties from the Ohio Division of Cannabis Control, five marijuana companies, including one with a dispensary in Butler County, have each agreed to pay $12,500, totaling $62,500.

Greenleaf Apothecaries, parent company of The Botanist dispensaries, has the option of contesting the remaining $150,000 during a hearing.

“The division has initiated enforcement actions against several licensees who have violated program advertising rules,” said division spokesman Jamie Crawford. “All licensees fully understand they are required to adhere to the medical rules for advertising, and violations of this directive are being taken seriously. The division continues to monitor licensees for compliance with all program rules to ensure a level playing field for all licensees.”

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