Ontario Canada To Double Number Of Cannabis Retail Authorizations Per Month

To date, the AGCO has received over 1300 RSA applications
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) has continued working with the Government of Ontario to increase the number of cannabis Retail Store Authorizations (RSAs) that are issued each month.
In September, the AGCO announced the government’s direction to double the number of RSAs issued per month, from 20 to 40.
The government has provided further direction to double the pace of store authorizations once again, from 40 to 80 per month. The AGCO has increased the pace of authorizations to reach an objective of issuing 20 RSAs per week.
Over the next two weeks, AGCO Eligibility Officers will be contacting all affected retail store applicants directly – starting with the ones that have the most imminent RSA issuance dates – to advise them of the new anticipated issuance date of their store authorizations.
To date, the AGCO has received over 1300 RSA applications. It has issued 305 RSAs and 269 authorized cannabis retail stores are currently open in the province. There are currently over 1100 active RSA applications still to be processed.
View an interactive map of proposed and authorized cannabis retail stores across the province, as well as the current status of all Retail Store Authorization applications.
Source: AGCO.CA