S.D. Legislators Recommend Bill To Legalize Marijuana For All Purposes — But No ‘Home Grow’

The legislation would be introduced in the 2022 session that opens in January
A panel decided Tuesday to move forward on legalizing marijuana for all purposes for people age 21 and older in South Dakota but keeping the current medical-cannabis program in place for people younger than 21.
The 8-2 recommendation came from the Legislature’s subcommittee on adult-use marijuana. The next steps are for the full marijuana study committee to decide whether the proposed bill should proceed and then to seek a green light from the Legislature’s Executive Board.
If those clearances occur, the legislation would be introduced in the 2022 session that opens in January. The bill would then go through the standard process of committee action and possibly votes by the 70-member House of Representatives and the 35-member Senate.
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