South Dakota Gov. Has Signed 8 Cannabis Related Bills This Session

Noem passed a full run of bills and vetoed several others
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) last week signed three cannabis-related bills into law, KELO reports. This session Noem has signed a total of eight cannabis-related bills that were approved by lawmakers, who rejected eight others.
Last Thursday, Noem signed HB 1053 which bans women who are pregnant or breastfeeding from obtaining a medical cannabis certification; HB 1154 which creates new misdemeanor charges for medical cannabis practitioners who break a variety of new rules included in the bill; while SB 1 adds more qualifying conditions to the state’s medical cannabis program.
Under HB 1154, medical cannabis practitioners would be charged with a misdemeanor for directing patients to specific dispensaries or caregivers in exchange for payment; advertising in a dispensary; issuing medical cannabis certifications while having a financial stake in a cannabis business; offering discounts, deals, or other financial incentives for making an appointment with them; conducting medical assessments in a place licensed to sell alcohol; and charging patients different rates based on the duration of their certification.
SB 1 adds AIDS and HIV, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cancer or its treatment, if the treatment is associated with severe or chronic pain, nausea or severe vomiting, or cachexia or severe wasting syndrome, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy and seizures, and post-traumatic stress disorder to the state’s medical cannabis qualifying list. The measure also moved the responsibility of considering the addition or removal of medical conditions out of the purview of the Department of Health and placed it instead with the legislature.
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