
Thieves of Dispensaries Across California Are Nabbed In Operation ‘Sticky Fingers’

Around $1 million in products were stolen and then resold

A retail burglary ring that targeted cannabis dispensaries across the state stole about 1,000 pounds of cannabis products before the ring was busted and nearly two dozen suspects were arrested, California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta announced Thursday.

Bonta alleged that suspects broke into more than a dozen cannabis stores overnight, stealing products such as edibles and plants that were valued at about $1 million then resold.

“Our message to those involved in these crimes has been unwavering,” Bonta said. “If you organize coordinated retail thefts, if you steal from our businesses and put people, our people, in harm’s way, if you try to make an easy buck off other people’s hard work, we will come for you.”

To Read The Rest Of This Article On The LA Times, Click Here

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