
Trump Throws Full Support Behind Florida Pot Legalization As DeSantis Fights It

Trump also said he supported reclassifying marijuana under federal law

Donald Trump said he supports loosening federal marijuana restrictions and will vote for a Florida ballot initiative seeking to legalize the drug for adult use just hours after Gov. Ron DeSantis warned hundreds of church goers that the measure would create an invincible drug cartel in their shared home state.

Trump already signaled his support for the legalization measure, which will appear on the November ballot as Amendment 3, during a Truth Social message posted in late August. The former president and GOP presidential nominee more explicitly endorsed it with another message posted late Sunday. Trump stopped short of supporting federal decriminalization, but indicated support for reclassifying marijuana under federal law, along with passing banking reform for state-regulated cannabis companies and supporting states’ rights to pass legalization laws.

“As a Floridian, I will be voting YES on Amendment 3 this November,” Trump wrote in the Sunday Truth post. “As President, we will continue to focus on research to unlock medical uses of marijuana to a schedule 3 drug, and work with Congress to pass common sense laws.”

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