Vancouver Cannabis Stores Start Shutting Down, ‘Collateral Damage’ From BCGEU Strike

Their supply has been cut off by a 10-day-old B.C. General Employees Union strike
B.C. cannabis stores have already begun shutting down as their only supply source has been cut off by a 10-day-old B.C. General Employees Union strike at government distribution warehouses.
On Wednesday, Burb, which has five retail outlets, shut down one of its two Port Coquitlam stores and another in Port Moody, which will put about 20-to-25 people out of work. The remnants of inventory at those two stores are being transferred to its other Port Coquitlam store. Depending on volumes of customers it might keep that store open another week.
Hours of operation have also been cut at Burb’s Vancouver store and another on Vancouver Island.
Clayton Chessa, co-founder and COO at Burb, said if the strike isn’t resolved soon, or there is some workaround to being able to source cannabis only through Liquor Distribution Branch warehouses, the other stores will be closed as well.
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