‘We’ve Finally Made it,’ Michigan Village President Says Of Large Marijuana Grow Facility Promising 200 Jobs
“305 gave us that spark that we need to start moving forward”
LAWRENCE, MI – After 24 years in commercial construction, Henry Payne left the career to join a large marijuana growing facility in Lawrence.
The Lawrence resident started using medical marijuana in 2010 after he hurt his back. He said he hasn’t used any opioids in eight years.
When he learned 305 Farms was opening a large marijuana growing facility in his village, he decided to join because of the positive effects marijuana has had on his life.
For some in the surrounding community, the positive effects of 305 Farms opening extend to the village of Lawrence too.
The money brought it from licensing fees and taxes has allowed the village to buy a police car, add funding to local schools and start planning infrastructure changes, Village President David Quick said.
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