
Woody Harrelson Wants Snacks, Soft Drinks At His Cannabis Cafe

He just needs Newsom’s signature now

Woody Harrelson is taking a cannabis bill to the higher-ups.

The Emmy-winning actor and longtime marijuana activist is urging Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign legislation that would permit Amsterdam-style cannabis cafes in California. After all, he has a personal stake in the matter: He’s a co-owner of the Woods WeHo cannabis dispensary and lounge in West Hollywood.

“We just need a tiny little crumb and that is the ability to sell non-cannabis items in the lounge,” Harrelson said in a recorded video that the bill’s author, Assemblymember Matt Haney (D-San Francisco), posted Monday on Instagram. “I don’t see how that hurts anybody. Let’s please make this happen.”

The three-time Oscar nominee, who last year visited Capitol Hill to urge lawmakers to legalize marijuana at the federal level, called the California bill “extremely important” for lounges and dispensaries across the state that are facing closure due to “all of the taxation, all of the regulation which is crippling our industry.”

To Read The Rest Of This Article On The LA Times, Click Here

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