Cannabis Industry News From Around The Globe.
While breweries have mimicked the flavors of marijuana few have actually brewed with real extracts
Buddtenders represent the frontline of customer service and education at dispensaries
The vision is to make the 10-minute drive off Highway 15 to enjoy a marijuana-friendly atmosphere
The first store selling medical cannabis is opened in Kanawha County
Friday Nights Inc. said the price per pound for trim has gone from $150 to $450 in one month
The elderly are finally finding relief with the help of experimentation and their doctors
Cannabis business owners are gearing up for the onset of the California “Green Rush”
Colorado's largest city is on the brink of licensing some of the nation's first marijuana clubs
A dark chocolate bar with layered flavors and a little kick! Cayenne pepper and spices are balanced by the sweet citrusy notes...
The once fiery AG appears ready to calm down regarding marijuana