Denver’s Set To Launch A Cannabis Entrepreneurial Program For Social Equity Applicants

18 social equity licenses have been approved with 30 pending
If you’re an aspiring cannabis business owner and meet the criteria for a social equity marijuana license, then this program is for you.
The Denver Economic Development & Opportunity department will launch an entrepreneurial assistance program for those wishing to get into the cannabis business. Using $500,000 of the city’s retail marijuana special sales tax revenues, DEDO partnered with The Color of Cannabis to host the Social Equity Technical Assistance Program, a 10-week class that touches on the history and politics of the industry, compliance, delivery, hospitality and marketing.
The goal of the program is to increase ownership to those disproportionately impacted by marijuana prohibition and enforcement.
Last April, City Council overhauled several marijuana laws, the first time since recreational sales started more than seven years ago. The new laws allowed for weed delivery and hospitality licenses and it eliminated some caps on dispensary and cultivation locations.
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