
First Regulated Cannabis Lounge Opens Doors In Las Vegas

Thrive made their first sale at 4:20 p.m. to Chair Tick Segerblom

Las Vegas’ first-regulated cannabis cocktail lounge opened its doors Friday.

Officials with Thrive Cannabis Marketplace said their “Smoke and Mirrors” experience includes a curated selection of cannabis products, a cannabis-infused cocktails program, product launches, demonstrations and a “welcoming and stylish” setting. The “Smoke and Mirrors” lounge is located at 2975 South Sammy Davis Jr. Dr.

“It’s a great sense of accomplishment. There’s no question about that. But now the real work begins,” said Christopher LaPorte of RESET.

Thrive made their first sale at 4:20 p.m. to Chair Tick Segerblom, a notable advocate of the marijuana industry.

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