
Massachusetts Inspector General: State Needs Receiver To Run Cannabis Regulatory Agency

Inspector General Jeffrey Shapiro called the commission “rudderless”

The state’s inspector general found that the commission had been slipping further into dysfunction over the past two years.

The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission is in such bad shape that lawmakers need to appoint a receiver to take the reins at the regulatory agency, the state inspector general wrote in a letter this week.

Massachusetts Inspector General Jeffrey Shapiro called the commission “rudderless” in a press release announcing his letter to lawmakers, pleading with the legislature to take responsibility of the wayward commission, which he said has no “clear indication of who is responsible for running its day-to-day operations.”

“Today I am asking legislative leaders to take immediate action to appoint a receiver and, in short order, address the underlying issues in the enabling statute so that the agency can function properly, maintain its budgeted revenue stream, and provide clarity and certainty for its stakeholders,” Shapiro said in the announcement.

Shapiro wrote the letter after his office finished its audit of the CCC’s performance, which found that the commission had been slipping further into dysfunction over the past two years.

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