Store Check

Urban Pharm, San Francisco California

We check out Urban Pharm in San Fransico to see if it meets the grade.

Urban Pharm San Francisco – Budroom


Store Name: Urban Pharm

Store Location: 122 10th St, San Francisco, CA 94103

Store Website:


On a recent trip to the NCIA conference, MRR decided to stop by Urban Pharm in the heart of San Fransico to see what all of the fuss was about. Upon pulling up to the shop one thing was abundantly clear, this dispensary had a storefront that absolutely stood out from its surroundings. There was no question of if I was in the right place or not with this beautiful big and green storefront, and a security guard was waiting at the door to welcome us inside. From a design standpoint, it’s almost flawless. It evokes the feeling of a Dutch coffeeshop along the canal, and much of the interior also lent to that aesthetic while still paying respect to the urban industrial modern love of the Bay Area market. Walking inside of the shop, you can tell you are going to be in for a treat. Check-in was relatively easy, and the wait post filling out paperwork wasn’t longer than 6 minutes even with it being fairly busy. The only real hiccup in the operation was a miscommunication issue between front desk/check-in and the bud counter. After checking in, and you are cleared for the bud room, you enter into a queue for the bud counter. When I got to the bud counter, however, I was not transferred over to his system by the check-in attendant who was now at lunch, and I had to wait for an additional 3 minutes while the new incoming staff finished transferring me over. This was a minor inconvenience to the patient, but during a rush hour situation, it could have severely bottlenecked the incoming patient flow of the business by confusing oncoming store staff during shift change. Once that was cleared, however, it was off to the races.



Urban Pharm San Francisco – Lounge Area


The budtender was extremely friendly and courteous and made sure to walk me through the process. I love the patient flow layout of this store. It minimizes confusion of the patient as well as who is next, and is easily convertible to dual lines for recreational/medical once the time is ready next year. Clear, large menu screens allow patients still in line to create their wish lists prior to getting to the counter, while an easy layout makes the selection process clear and concise. I settled on an Orange Zkittles, and was pleased with the quality of the product. What I did not like, however, was the standard unmarked brown paper bag they put the medicine in. With the design aesthetic of this store, it felt odd and out of place. I recommend making the patient experience complete by offering something branded and of quality. The dispensary is one of the few in the city to offer a social use lounge. Smoking is allowed (joints, pipes, ext…) however tobacco use in any form is not. There is a dab bar where you can pay-per-dab ranging from $8 – 30 a dab depending on quality level. Rolling trays and other accessories are available, and the area was relatively clean for how many people were in there and considering it was the end of the day. Urban Pharm gets high marks from us at Marijuana Retail Report as a prime example of how to properly do both social use and a quality dispensary in one safe location and we highly recommend checking them out if you are ever in the Bay Area.




  • Top Notch Design
  • Friendly Staff
  • Tender Knowledge
  • Strain Diversification
  • Social Use Lounge
  • Dab Bar



  • Issue With Check In – Miscommunication Due To Shift Change
  • Brown Paper Bag For Meds
  • Lobby Area Is Small, Can Get Bottlenecked During High Volume Times
  • Parking Was Problematic, But It Is San Fransisco


Marijuana Retail Report Rating – 9.37 / 10

Marijuana Retail Report conducts its reviews independent of the shops / accessories / lounges knowledge. Marijuana Retail Report is neither paid or otherwise incentivized by the shop / accessory / lounge to review them. They are not informed of the review either prior to, during, or after and cannot have the review edited for any reason other than provable inaccuracy. The reviews are unbiased by design and contain a 31 point inspection of the store during the review. The cannabis is purchased by the reviewer and is not paid for by the shop nor is the reviewer reimbursed by the shop for the review. The products selected for purchase are purchased at random based on variable criteria, and are meant to spot check the dispensary.

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