
Cannabis’ Plummeting Price-Per-Pound And The Rise Of Delta-8 THC

Cannabis wholesale price-per-pound has dropped 40% nationally over 2 years

Although forming America’s sixth-largest crop yielding 48.8 million pounds of flower and $27 billion in legal sales annually, marijuana’s plunging price-per-pound and the availability of cheaper, unregulated hemp-derived tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products is thwarting the cannabis industry.

Whether cultivated indoors, outdoors or in a greenhouse, over the past two years cannabis wholesale price-per-pound has dropped 40% nationally curtailing production and crashing businesses across legalized marijuana’s supply chain.

Further, mirroring legalized marijuana’s THC’s (Delta-9 THC) effects, hemp-derived THC (Delta-8 THC) requires no license, is readily available online and over-the-counter, and is cutting into legalized cannabis’ revenue despite growing state illegality, confusion over federal legality, and concerns regarding these untested and unregulated products’ safety and potency.

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