Dutchie Marijuana Retail Customers Report System Crashes On 4/20

Sales stalled for 4+ hours on cannabis’ most important day of the year
Marijuana retailers using Dutchie e-commerce systems reported widespread outages on April 20, the cannabis industry’s top day for sales.
Several operators told MJBizDaily their Dutchie point-of-sale (POS) software crashed for hours during peak traffic Saturday, halting online and in-store purchases and causing customers to leave stores empty-handed.
At Pure Cannabis Outlet in Michigan, store workers reported the Dutchie POS system crashed for more than five hours.
“We had so many angry and disappointed customers, and we were literally helpless,” said Jerry Hicks, an operations manager at the store.
Pure Cannabis was unable to cash out customers for hours, Hicks said, because staffers couldn’t log in to accounts or access systems for inventory and back-office functions.
Bend, Oregon-based Dutchie’s POS and e-commerce software is used by more than 6,000 cannabis retail clients in the United States and Canada.
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