California’s multi-billion dollar marijuana industry has largely relied on a migratory workforce, often known as “trimmigrants,” from throughout the world who flock...
California has 58 counties and 482 incorporated cities across the state, each with the option to create its own rules or ban...
Dear Californian cannabis entrepreneurs, As you prepare to open your cannabis businesses under the MAUCRSA, perhaps with a few lifelong friends, you may...
With California’s recent passage of the Medicinal and Adult Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (“MAUCRSA“), we finally know California will be...
Store Name: Airfield Supply Company Store Location: 1190 Coleman Ave. San Jose, CA 95110 Store Website: Airfield Supply Company...
If it wasn’t for the smell, shoppers who wander into the bright red building along S. Wright Street in Santa Ana might...
Apparently, the city did not expect a lot of people to show up Thursday morning for a Department of City Planning public...
Aram Stoney has been operating a medical marijuana delivery business out of Carmel Valley for more than a year and he wants...
Calif–Cannabis firm MedMen will open its newest Southern California dispensary on Friday, June 30, in Santa Ana, California. According to MedMen, the...
In states with recreational and medical cannabis, it’s required to label cannabis and cannabis-related products with lists of ingredients, pesticides, and chemicals...