
Zyn, But With Weed: The Pouch Craze Hits The Cannabis Industry

I threw in a lipper and thought, Why not put the pot in the chew?”

In October 2011, Cliff Sammet and his friends pulled a Ford Escape into the Stanford football stadium parking lot and sparked a joint while they looked for a spot. The guys were all up from Santa Cruz for a game against USC.

While hotboxing in the parking lot, they rolled down their windows and got dirty looks as they passed parents with their young children. Sammet, who was working at a hospital at the time and getting drug tested, couldn’t hit the joint that was being passed around. Instead, he packed a pinch of Copenhagen smokeless tobacco and tossed the tin on the dash. Then, in a nicotine-fueled buzz, he had an aha moment.

“I threw in a lipper and thought, Why not put the pot in the chew?” Sammet recalls. His friends, who were all glazed over at that point, naturally thought it was a brilliant idea.

It would be another four more years until Sammet ran into Case Mandel, an old high school buddy and cannabis entrepreneur who was running an illegal THC extraction lab in Humboldt County, California, at the time, and pitched him on his idea—create a lip pouch laced with cannabis, not nicotine. This was before Zyn, Philip Morris International’s pouches, became a cult obsession in the United States, but Sammet, a longtime dipper, had been introduced to snus pouches, which contain pasteurized tobacco, and pure nicotine products. His idea had coalesced over the years, and he realized pouches, not dip, would make for a better delivery system for THC.

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