
A New THC Standard Is Now Being Used For All Cannabis Research

A push to establish a standard dose of THC when researching marijuana is important

THC Testing Will Now Have A Dosing Standard Feds Say

When it comes to the study of marijuana it’s important that a standard is set. Many people who have researched cannabis in the past have not always gone by a standard. More so overall research is done for individual cannabis products. For example, most research is done by strain or a particular finished product. Which most times have a high dosage of THC and other cannabinoids. Having a method or system in place that helps break down the research in a more efficient way can be helpful to the outcome.

Right now a push to establish a standard dose of THC when researching marijuana is important. This will help arrive at better answers when conducting tests on cannabis. Using a standard dose will also give researchers a better understanding of how much THC is needed along with other cannabinoids for the plant to be most effective for consumers.

A leading federal health agency released info this past week in regards to the set in stone standard on the THC dose used for cannabis testing. This new standard will be the THC limit for marijuana research moving into the future. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) announced in a report to researchers that there is a “new requirement to measure and report results using a standard THC unit in all applicable human subjects’ research.” This would become active immediately. That standard unit is five milligrams of THC.

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