
Cannabis Milestone: Over-The-Counter Medical Marijuana Launches In Georgia Pharmacies

The program puts 90% of Georgia’s population within a 30 minute drive of cannabis

Dr. Ankit Patel became the first pharmacist in the U.S. to sell medical marijuana over the counter at his pharmacy Friday.

“It’s awesome,” Patel told CNN. “It’s historic.

“Patel’s Robins Pharmacy, along with Omega Pharmacy and the Allen Pharmacy Group in Georgia, received state licenses to sell low-THC medical marijuana in their drug stores. They can provide MMJ products, including oils, tinctures and capsules which can be prescribed for such issues as pain, anxiety, insomnia and PTSD. 

Georgia is the first U.S. state to permit pharmacies to sell medical marijuana, a decision that has been years in the making. This expansion of medical marijuana sales to drug stores, known as the pharmacy rule, will vastly expand access to patients. As it stands, there are only seven medical marijuana dispensaries in all of Georgia to serve tens of thousands suffering from such illnesses as Parkinson’s disease, seizures, terminal cancers and more. 

The pharmacy program will put about 90% of Georgia’s population within a 30-minute drive of a pharmacy that sells medical marijuana.

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